Unia Europejska

foto Piotr Ślipiński


M.W. Brzeski - Nematodes of Tylenchina in Poland and temperate Europe 

Muzeum i Instytut Zoologi PAN, Warszawa, 397 pp., ISBN 83-85192-84-0.

The book contains descriptions, illustrations
and keys for 50 genera and 305 species found
in the region. Five new species are discribed
and some new synonyms are proposed.
Besides, there are check lists and tables with
some diagnostic features of speciae of the
genera Filenchus, Malenchus, Coslenchus,
Ditylenchus, Geocenamus, Tylenchorhynchus,
Torylenchus and Paratylenchus of the world


Cena: 48 PLN + przesyłka polecona 10 zł

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