Unia Europejska

foto Piotr Ślipiński

Life's devices : the physical world of animals and plants / Steven Vogel, 1988. Sygn. K.37867

Giant molecules: here, there, and everywhere / Alexander Y. Grosberg, Alexei R. Khokhlov, 1997 + CD

ROM. Sygn. K.37868

Broodstock management and egg and larval quality / Niall R. Bromage, Ronald J. Roberts, 1995. Sygn.


The structure and dynamics of geographic ranges / K. J. Gaston, 2003. Sygn. K.37870

A history of molecular biology / Michel Morange, 1998. Sygn. K.37871

An ecosystem approach to aquatic ecology/ed. G.E.Likens. New York,1985. Sygn. K.37872

The acari: physiological and ecological aspects of acari-host relationships / D. Kropczyńska.

Warszawa, 1995. Sygn. K.37873

Insect ecology / Peter W. Price. 2nd ed. New York, 1984. Sygn. K.37874

Zooplankton: sensory ecology and physiology/ ed. P. H. Lenz [et al.]. Amsterdam, 1996. Sygn.


Gawron na Podkarpaciu / J. Hordowski. Bolestraszyce, 2009. Sygn. K.37876

Wielki słownik angielsko-polski PWN-Oxford. Warszawa, 2002. Sygn. K.37877

Wielki słownik polsko-angielski / PWN-Oxford. Warszawa, 2004. Sygn. K.37877/inw.K.37878

Population limitation in birds / Ian Newton. San Diego, 1998. Sygn. K.37879

The White Stork in Poland: studies in biology, ecology and conservation / P. Tryjanowski, T. H. Sparks

& L. Jerzak. Poznań, 2006. Sygn. K.37880

Avian molecular evolution and systematics / by David P. Mindell. San Diego, 1997. Sygn. K.37881

Ramsar sites in Poland / J. Sienkiewicz. Warszawa, 2008. Sygn. K.37882

The Chironomidae : biology and ecology of non-biting midges / P. D. Armitage, P. S.Cranston, L.C.V.

Pinder.London,1995. Sygn. K.37883

The evolution of the genome / T. R. Gregory. Amsterdam, 2005. Sygn. K.37884

Marine Metapopulations / ed. J. P. Kritzer, P. F. Sale. Amsterdam, 2006. Sygn. K.37885

Die Käfer Mitteleuropas, Bd. 2: Adephaga 1 : Carabidae (German Ed.) / H. Freude [et al.]. Munchen,

2004. Sygn. K.22038/inw.K.37886

Invasion ecology / J.L. Lockwood, M. F. Hoopes, M. P. Marchetti. Malden, 2007. Sygn. K.37887

Barn owls : predator-prey relationships and conservation / Iain Taylor. Cambridge, 1994. Sygn.


Cladocera : the Chydorinae and Sayciinae (Chydoridae) of the World / N. N. Smirnov. Amsterdam,

1996. Sygn.K.32125/inw.K.37889

Rotifera, Vol. 5 : The Dicranophoridae (Monogononta) and: The Ituridae (Monogononta) / W. H. De

Smet and R. Pourriot. Amsterdam, 1997. Sygn.K.32125/inw.K.37890

Zwierzęta czynią nas ludźmi : jak zapewnić najlepsze życie zwierzętom w naszym otoczeniu / T.

Grandin, C. Johnson ; tł. K. Puławski. – Poznań, 2011. Sygn. K.37891

Zrozumieć zwierzęta : wykorzystanie tajemnic autyzmu do rozszyfrowania zachowań zwierząt / T.

Grandin, C. Johnson ; tł. K. Puławski. – Poznań, 2011. Sygn. K.37892

Ecology, evolution and behaviour of wild cattle : implications for conservation / ed. by M. Melletti, J.

Burton. – Cambridge, 2014. Sygn. K.35878

Journal of Korean Nature. - Daejeon, Korea : Korean National Commission for GBIF, 2008-2012. Sygn. P.6818;

zmiana tytułu:

Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity. - Daejeon, Korea : Korean Biodiversity Information Facility, National Science Museum : Korea National Arboretum, 2013-. Sygn. P.6818.

Stawonogi : zagrożenie zdrowia człowieka i zwierząt / red. A. Buczek, C. Błaszak.- Lublin, 2014. Sygn. K.35866

Nationalnyckeln till Sveriges flora och fauna. [DH 53a], Tvåvingar: Blomflugor :  Diptera, Syrphidae, Syrphinae / text H. Bartsch ; bild E. Binkiewicz [et al.]. -Uppsala, 2009. Sygn. K.35735

Nationalnyckeln till Sveriges flora och fauna. [DH 53b], Tvåvingar: Blomflugor : Diptera, Syrphidae, Eristalinae & Microdontinae / text H. Bartsch ; bild E. Binkiewicz [et al.].-Uppsala, 2009. Sygn. K.35735

Proceedings of the 17th European Colloquium of Arachnology, Edinburgh 1997 / ed. P. A. Selden. -Burnham Beeches, Bucks, 1998. Sygn. K.37822

Lycosids in China : (Arachnida: Araneae) / Yin Changmin [et al.]. -Changsha, 1997. Sygn. K.37823

Vademecum obserwatora ptaków /  J. Markowski, Z. Wojciechowski, T. Janiszewski. -Warszawa-Łódź, 2001. Sygn. K.37824

Randomness in evolution / John Tyler Bonner. -Princeton, 2013. Sygn. K.37825

Planet without apes / Craig B. Stanford. -Cambridge, Mass. ; London, 2012. Sygn. K.37826

Pavlov's dogs and Schrödinger's cat : scenes from the living laboratory / Rom Harré. -Oxford, 2010. Sygn. K.37827

SuperCooperators : altruism, evolution and why we need each other to succeed / M. A. Nowak with R. Highfield.- New York, 2012. Sygn. K.37828

Meaningful information : the bridge between biology, brain, and behaviour  / A. Reading. -New York, 2011. Sygn. K.37829

Biomphalaria snails and larval trematodes / R. Toledo, B. Fried eds. -New York, 2011. Sygn. K.37830

Avian architecture : how birds design, engineer & build / P. Goodfellow ; ed. M. Hansell. -Princeton, 2011. Sygn. K.37832

Wildlife management and conservation :contemporary principles and practices / ed. by P. R. Krausman, J. W. Cain III. Baltimore, 2013. Sygn. K.35867

Deep-sea fauna of the Sea of Japan / ed. by T. Fujita. Tokyo, 2014. Sygn. K.37831

Handbook of the mammals of the world. Vol. 4, Sea mammals / ed. Don E. Wilson, Russell A. Mittermeier. - Barcelona, 2014. Sygn. K.35675

The complete dinosaur / ed. by M. K. Brett-Surman, T. R. Holtz, Jr., J.O. Farlow. 2nd ed. -Bloomington, 2012. Sygn. K.35864

Insect pathology /ed. F. E. Vega, H. K. Kaya. 2nd ed. - Amsterdam, 2012. Sygn. K.35865

Polar lakes and rivers : limnology of Arctic and Antarctic aqatic ecosystems / ed. by Warwick F. Vincent and Johanna Laybourn-Parry. - Oxford, 2008. Sygn. K.37813

A legal primer on managing museum collections / M.C. Malaro, I.P. DeAngelis. 3rd ed.-  Washington, 2012. Sygn. K.37814

Animal evolution : interrelationships of the living phyla / C. Nielsen. 3rd ed.- Oxford, 2012. Sygn. K.37815

The primate mind : built to connect with other minds / ed. F. B. M. de Waal, P.F. Ferrari. - Cambridge, Mass. ;  London, 2012. Sygn. K.37816

Animals and the human imagination : a companion to animal studies / ed. A.Gross, A. Vallely, New York, 2012. Sygn. K.37817

From groups to individuals : evolution and emerging individuality / ed. by F. Bouchard, P. Huneman. -Cambridge, Mass. ;  London, 2013. Sygn. K.37818

Aboveground-belowground linkages : biotic interactions, ecosystem processes and global change / R. D. Bardgett, D. A. Wardle. - Oxford, 2010. Sygn. K.37819


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