Unia Europejska

foto Piotr Ślipiński

Ekosystemy wodne Białowieskiego Parku Narodowego / pod redakcją Renaty Krzyściak-Kosińskiej i Elżbiety Wilk-Woźniak. – Białowieża, 2016.

The aquatic ecosystems of Białowieża National Park / edited by Renata Krzyściak-Kosińska and Elżbieta Wilk-Woźniak. – Białowieża, 2016.

Lądowe ekosystemy nieleśne Białowieskiego Parku Narodowego / pod red. Małgorzaty Karczewskiej i Leszka Kucharskiego. – Białowieża, 2016.

The non-forest land ecosystems of Białowieża National Park / edited by Małgorzata Karczewska and Leszek Kucharski. – Białowieża, 2016.

Lasy Rezerwatu Ścisłego Białowieskiego Parku Narodowego / pod red. Andrzeja Keczyńskiego. – Białowieża, 2017.

The forests of the Strict Reserve of Białowieża National Park / edited by Andrzej Keczyński. – Białowieża, 2017.

The thick-billed murres of Prince Leopold Island : a study of the breeding ecology of a colonial high arctic seabird / by A. J. Gaston and D. N. Nettleship. – Ottawa, 1981.

Atles dels ocells nidificants de Barcelona / dir. i ed. M. Anton. – Barcelona, 2017.

Bulavousye češuekrylye Dalʹnego Vostoka SSSR : opredelitelʹ / A. I. Kurencov. – Leningrad, 1970.

Sluhovaâ sistema mlekopitaûŝih : sravnitelʹno-morfologičeskij očerk / L. S. Bogoslovskaâ, G. N. Solnceva. – Moskva, 1979.

Krasnaâ kniga Samarskoj oblasti. T. 2, Redkie vidy životnyh / [pod red. G. S. Rozenberga i S. V. Saksonova] . – Tolʹâtti, 2009.

Mehanika poleta nasekomyh i èvolûciâ ih krylovogo apparata / A. K. Brodskij. – Leningrad, 1988.

Ussurijskij kaban : Sus scrofa ussuricus Heude, 1888 g. / G. F. Bromlej. – Moskva, 1964.

 Biological control of plant parasitic nematodes : progress, problems and prospects / by Graham R. Stirling. – Wallingford, 1991.

Ecology of infectious diseases in natural populations / edited by B. T. Grenfell, A. P. Dobson. – Cambridge, 1995.

Diseases of wild waterfowl / Gary A. Wobeser. – New York ; London, 1981.

British tits / C. M. Perrins. – London, 1980.

Birds fighting : experimental studies of the aggressive displays of some birds / S. Smith, E. Hosking. – London, 1955.

 Statistics for ornithologists. 2nd ed. / by Jim Fowler and Louis Cohen. – [Thetford, Norfolk], [1996?].

Parental care in mammals / ed. David J. Gubernick and Peter H. Klopfer. – New York ; London, 1981.

Dynamics of large mammal populations / ed. Charles W. Fowler, Tim D. Smith. – New York, 1981.

Immunologia dla biologów / W. Deptuła, M. Stosik, B. Tokarz-Deptuła. – Szczecin, 2006.

Prawnokarne i kryminologiczne aspekty ochrony środowiska / pod red. nauk. W. Pływaczewskiego. – Olsztyn, 2012.

Wildlife and wind farms, conflicts and solutions. Vol. 1, Onshore: potential effects / ed. by Martin R. Perrow. – Exeter, 2017.

Wildlife and wind farms, conflicts and solutions. Vol. 2, Onshore: monitoring and migration / ed. by Martin R. Perrow. – Exeter, 2017.

Katalog fauny Puszczy Białowieskiej / pod red. J. M. Gutowskiego i B. Jaroszewicza. – Warszawa, 2001.

The copepodologist's cabinet : a biographical and bibliographical history. Vol. 2, Henri Milne Edwards to Wilhelm Giesbrecht (1830 to 1890) / D. M. Damkaer. Washington, D. C., 2017.

Atles dels Ortòpters de Catalunya / J. M. Olmo Vidal. – Barcelona, 2016.

Gniazda i lęgi ptaków Polski. Fasc. 2, Pustynnik, kukułka, dropie, nur czarnoszyi, bociany, rybołów / J. Hordowski. – [Kosienice], 2017.

Acarology IX. Volume 1, Proceedings / R. Mitchell [et al.]eds.–Columbus, 1996.

Avian biology. Volume 6 / ed. D. S. Farner, J. R. King, K. C. Parkes. – New York, 1982.

Population biology : ecological and evolutionary viewpoints / K. Wohrmann, S. K. Jain (eds.). – Berlin, 1990.

Guia de las rapaces ibericas / por Cosme Morillo. – Madrid, 1976.

The ruff : individuality in gregarious wading bird / by J. G. van Rhijn. – London, 1991.

The status of seabirds in Britain and Ireland / C. Lloyd, M. L. Tasker, K. Partridge. – London, 1991.

Feather fashions and bird preservation : a study in nature protection / R. W. Doughty. – Berkeley, 1975.

Proceedings of the Third Nordic Congress of Ornithology, 1981 / red. J. Fjeldså, H. Meltofte.– København, 1983.

Bird blow flies (Protocalliphora) in North America (Diptera: Calliphoridae) / C. W. Sabrosky, G. F. Bennett, T. L. Whitworth. – Washington, D.C., 1989.

Éléments d'une faune des Myriapodes de France : Chilopodes / H. W. Brolemann. – Paris, 1932. (Faune de France ; vol. 25)

Homoptères Auchénorhynques. 1, Typhlocybidae / par H. Ribaut. – Paris, 1936. (Faune de France ; vol. 31)

Homoptères auchénorhynques. 2, Jassidae / par H. Ribaut. – Paris, 1952. (Faune de France ; vol. 57)

Marine plankton life cycle strategies / eds. K. A. Steidinger, L. M. Walker. – Boca Raton, 1984.

Aquatic oligochaete biology / ed. R. O. Brinkhurst, D. G. Cook. – New York, 1980.

Insectes Coléoptères Lamellicornes / A. Janssens. – Bruxelles, 1960.

Effects of forestry on birds in a changing north-boreal coniferous landscape / R. Virkkala. – Helsinki, 1990.

Distribution of carabid beetles in Fennoscandian archipelagoes: an island-mainland comparison / J. Niemelä. – Helsinki, 1988.

Bird census and atlas studies : proceedings of the VIII International Conference on Bird Census and Atlas Work / K. Taylor, R. J. Fuller, P. C. Lack. – [Chalfont St. Giles], 1985.

Guide de la faune profonde de la mer Méditerranée / M. Fourt, A. Goujard, T. Pérez, P. Chevaldonné. – Paris, 2017.

The annihilation of nature : human extinction of birds and mammals / G. Ceballos, A. H. Ehrlich, P. R. Ehrlich. – Baltimore, 2015.

Fynbos : ecology, evolution, and conservation of a megadiverse region / ed. N. Allsopp, J. F. Colville, G. A. Verboom. – Oxford, 2016.

Implementing the Nagoya Protocol : comparing Access and Benefit-Sharing regimes in Europe / ed. B. Coolsaet [et al.]. – Leiden, 2015.

On the organic law of change : a facsimile edition and annotated transcription of Alfred Russel Wallace's Species notebook of 1855-1859 / annot. J. T. Costa. – Cambridge, Mass., 2013.

Animals on display : the creaturely in museums, zoos, and natural history / ed. L. E. Thorsen, K. A. Rader, A. Dodd. – University Park, PA, 2013.

Bonobo cognition and behaviour / ed. B. Hare, S. Yamamoto. – Leiden, 2015.

The wren / Edward A. Armstrong. – London, 1955.

Badania nad Ornitofauną Ziemi Przemyskiej.[T. 1] / Zakład Fizjografii i Arboretum. – Bolestraszyce, 1993.

Bibliographie des Aphidoidea. T. 4 / M. L. Sharma. – Sherbrooke, Québec, 1977.

Chemical ecology of insects. 2 / [ed.] R. T. Cardé, W. J. Bell. New York, 1995.

Gnezdovaâ žiznʹ ptic / [otv. red. A. I. Šurakov]. – Permʹ, 1992.

An atlas of insect diseases. 2nd rev. ed. / Jaroslav Weiser. – Prague, 1977.

Mammalian vestibular physiology / V. J. Wilson, G. M. Jones. – New York, 1979.

Functional anatomy of marine mammals. Vol. 1 / ed. by R. J. Harrison. – London, 1972.

Functional anatomy of marine mammals. Vol. 3 / ed. by R. J. Harrison. – London, 1977.

Current mammalogy. Vol. 1 / ed. by Hugh H. Genoways. – New York, 1987.

Current mammalogy. Vol. 2 / ed. by Hugh H. Genoways. – New York, 1990.

The birds of the Beaufort Sea / S. R. Johnson, D.R. Herter.–Anchorage, 1989.

Techniques for the study of mixed populations / ed. by D. W. Lovelock and R. Davies. – London, 1978.

Los' : (čislennost', èkologiâ, ohrana) / A. N. Kurskov. – Minsk, 1978.

Evolutionary dynamics of a natural population / B. R. Grant, P. R. Grant. – Chicago, 1989.

Morfologia, biologia i znaczenie gospodarcze Cryptophagus subfumatus Kraatz (Coleoptera, Cryprophagidae) : praca hab. / I.Żurańska. – Olsztyn, 1969.

Advances in parasitic Hymenoptera research : proceedings of the II Conference on the Taxonomy and Biology of Parasitic Hymentoptera […] / ed. V. K. Gupta. – Leiden, 1988.
