Unia Europejska

foto Piotr Bułhak

Latin names explained : a guide to the scientific classification of reptiles, birds & mammals / A. F. Gotch. - New York, 1996. Sygn. K.35920

Louis Henri Bojanus : le savant de Vilnius / P. Edel, P. Daszkiewicz. - [Strasbourg], 2015. Sygn. K.38117

Das neue Buch vom Pfeilstorch / R. K. Kinzelbach. – Rangsdorf, 2013. Sygn. K.38118

Le Jurassique au Luxembourg. (1), Vertébrés, échinodermes et céphalopo-des du Bajocien / R. Weis, B. Thuy (éd.). – Luxembourg, 2015. (Ferrantia ; 71) Sygn. K.38119

Aberrant plumages in grebes Podicipedidae : an analysis of albinism, leucism, brown and other aberrations in all grebe species worldwide / A. Konter. – Luxembourg, 2015. (Ferrantia ; 72) Sygn. K.38120

Resoconto ornitologico del Friuli Venezia Giulia : anni 2006-20011 / C. Guzzon [et al.]. – Udine, 2013. Sygn. K.38121

Ten thousand birds : ornithology since Darwin / T. Birkhead, J. Wimpenny, B. Montgomerie. – Princeton, 2014. Sygn. K.38122

Lost animals : extinction and the photographic record / Errol Fuller. – Princeton, 2014. Sygn. K.38123

40 years of evolution : Darwin's finches on Daphne Major Island / P. R. Grant, B. R. Grant. – Princeton, 2014. Sygn. K.38124

Forensic DNA applications : an interdi-sciplinary perspective / ed. D. Primorac, M. Schanfield. – Boca Raton, 2014. Sygn. K.38125

The design and statistical analysis of animal experiments / S. T. Bate, R. A. Clark. – Cambridge, 2014. Sygn. K.38126

Invasion biology and ecological theory : insights from a continent in transforma-tion / ed. by H. H. T. Prins, I. J. Gordon. – Cambridge, 2014. Sygn. K.38127

Shallow subterranean habitats : ecology, evolution, and conservation / D. C. Culver, T. Pipan. – Oxford, 2014. Sygn. K.38128

Animal movement across scales / ed. L.- A. Hansson, S. Åkesson.– Oxford, 2014. Sygn. K.38129

Biodiversity in the marine environment / P. Goulletquer [et al.]. – Cham, 2014. Sygn. K.38130

Analysis of genetic association studies / Gang Zheng [et al.]. – New York, 2012. Sygn. K.38131

The secret world of red wolves: the fight to save North America's other wolf / T. DeLene Beeland. – Chapell Hill, 2013. Sygn. K.38132

After the grizzly : endangered species and the politics of place in California / Peter S. Alagona. – Berkeley, 2013. Sygn. K.38133

The carnivore way : coexisting with and conserving North America's predators / C. Eisenberg. – Washington, 2014. Sygn. K.38134

Beetles of the world / J. F. Lawrence [et al.]. – [Collingwood VIC], 2002. Sygn. CD.24 (CD-ROM)



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